Tonight I'm sharing some Fitbit stats with you.
Sadly I only reached 89% of my steps goal :(
(to be honest, it's better than I thought it would be!)
This is what the trend looks like so far. May is not a true reflection as I only had the Fitbit for 6 days.
The dip in June is due to me sitting still at my desk working very hard on the Help! I need more time course (which was WELL worth the bum in seat time - it is some really, really good work).
And then you can see it's much of a muchness.
My best month was August and that was due to the week at the beach. My highest number of steps in any one week ever... 52 000. Yay beach walks.
This is, of course, nothing for you runners. But it's a lot for me!
I really need to break that 6000-step barrier. On the bright side, those 67 steps at my work will help........ and make me sweat :)
I also need to get moving more. My Saturday gym is just not enough and I'm starting to not enjoy my Zumba as it feels too hectic because I'm less fit!
In other news, I'm considering going back to Weigh-Less. One of the things on my lovely things list is to do W-L for 2 weeks without cheating........... I'm a moderator, not an abstainer so this is SUPER hard for me. But I can at least give it a good shot.
What are your health and fitness goals for October?