Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our winter bucket list

I took this photo outside my MIL's house last year winter and yesterday when we fetched the kids, the tree looked exactly the same. Freaky... only because I remembered this photo.

Our winter list:
  1. Go for colour, texture, pattern walks and a scavenger hunt
  2. Have a great holiday at the beach
  3. Meet up with a friend who shares the twins' birthday
  4. Have a good party
  5. Make pancakes with Kendra
  6. Make an apple crumble with Connor
  7. Have a good celebration in PE
  8. Meet up with Lynette and Pamela
  9. Go take photos at the beach
  10. Go out to eat at nice places three times with the family
  11. Make wraps again - everrrrybody loves them
  12. Make 6 new recipes from my Pinterest boards
  13. Come home early once a week to go for a walk with the kids
  14. Have a few people over for my birthday
  15.  Finish sorting out my website (removing products, tidying up sidebars, etc.)
And.... that should take us to 1 September!

What's on your winter bucket list?

PS for those in the Northern Hemisphere, tell me 3 things on your summer list.


  1. Love your list! Packed but very doable!
    For me - exercise more, get home before dark when possible and finally visit Durban!

  2. Love love the list! And PE ! Enjoy meeting the PE peeps and take the kids to SAMREC. We had wonderful beach fotos taken there last year. Can recommend the photographer we used

  3. We had wraps for supper last night... I thought of you!!! A favorite, favorite!!! And you are going on holiday, I love that idea more than you can imagine. I am nearly off to Zambia... squueee... but it doesn't feel like a holiday at all. I am a kind of get up and go girl and there has been a lot of prep (passport - gasp!!!) and I can't imagine how it is going to be without my funny family!!! So exciting adventure with trepidation... a complicated mix!!! Hopefully I will have recovered by the spring!!!

  4. All very doable! Yay! I'm glad I've learned to limit the ladies into reasonable requests. No more taking us for broke!

    You've seen my family summer bucket list, so my personal list includes:
    -winnowing the ladies room
    -minimizing my wardrobe (I'm not down to capsule size yet!)
    -work on my yearly foot tan

    Some are clearly a stretch!

  5. That's a big list! But seems doable :)

  6. Great list. Very inspiring to enjoy each season. I usually hibernate during winter. This year I do want to bake some yummy goodies. Read and scrapbook more. And enjoy being home and relaxing with family. I really wanted to attend your love languages workshop but I already had other commitments for this weekend. Hope you enjoy!


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