Thursday, March 01, 2012

So February was good

Well, today is a new day, month and season.

Autumn is here and I don't know if I'm just imagining it or if it's really true but it felt a bit colder today :) I even took a cardigan to work.

I decided the other day that enough is enough. I am not a machine and yes, while I'm doing my best while I'm at work, some things are just going to have to take longer to get done.

So... my February review.

  1. Read my devotional every single day. Um no, I think I stopped reading some time last week...
  2. Listen to worship CDs in the car on the way to work. I've been doing this the last 1.5 weeks and it has improved my attitude so much This has been great for calming me down and keeping me sane!

  1. Have two dates with D -Valentine's we watched Something's Gotta Give, on the 18th we had a date afternoon and the other night we watched Nancy Drew :)
  2. Do one fun thing with the kids - I'm thinking Gillooly's

  1. Stop procrastinating and do things when they arise. (a team member will be leaving end Feb and I'm 100% sure a lot of those things will fall on me so I need to be super on top of things)
  2. Keep focussed and complete writing and sending emails before starting something else

  1. Pray about whether to go to SheSpeaks this year or not.  So we've decided I should go. I still need to sort out the small matter of the money (!), my exact dates around the conference but I have a good idea of costs now and yes, they are quite exorbitant, especially if I want to tag on two days in New York on the way back. Heather???
  2. Get the book cover approved and pay the remaining amt.
  3. Order a proof copy
  4. Get book Kindle-ised :) - this one may fall into March. Let's see.
Well, I got 3 designs for the cover and none of them were "me" so I've rejected all of them. My actual book content was fixed on 31 Jan remember and resubmitted for a second round of edits which I got back this weekend. So I need to work through those (should be quicker?). This thing really is taking sweet forever. I almost feel like I should write the second book quickly and do a double book launch. I am joking but only kind-of.

  1. Infertility support group with F
  2. Fertility babies
  3. One 1:1 friend date C and I went to see R in the hospital

Health and fitness
  1. Go to gym with kids 4 times
  2. Go to Zumba on Wednesdays at least 3 out of the 4 weeks TOTAL fail - I decided I can't do personal training twice a week PLUS gym plus the Saturday thing AND have my life still feel in balance
  3. Work out with Kristy 8 times I managed 6 times, which is still good considering the 3 VA workouts :)

  1. Read 5 books, one of them Goals.  I read 8 books! Now I can slack next month and read some really thick ones :) If you want to check my lists, look for me on goodreads.
  2. Do budget (!) - this week
  3. Send off 5 things in the mail

(I have a framed Valentine's printable up to inspire me)
  1. Jan month in review
  2. Finish adding things to other mini-books (I have a basket with stuff on my one desk)
  3. Make 3 different types of cards
  4. Order CREATE necklace
I think I did really well in February. It felt like the month was very intentional - I knew what I wanted to do and did what I could to create it in my reality.
So how did you do in February? If you set goals, talk about them or maybe about your word of the year. Otherwise, how do you generally feel your February went? 

PS March will be posted later.....


  1. I'm still struggling to believe that the first 2 months of 2012 have passed us by.

    Right now all i'm focusing on is getting my million cakes a week baked and decorated - and so far so good.

    You're doing well and I so get you on the cd's in the car - my two fav are Steven Curtis Chapman and Brian Dirksen - LOVE them and turn the volume up LOUD!

  2. Wow, you're list of goals is impressive. And even more impressive is how many goals you managed to follow through on!

    I really should keep a list of goals. It would probably make me feel like I'm actually doing more than I think I am!!

  3. As per usual, you are impressive.

    I am must surviving. And reading a lekker thick book

  4. SO EXCITED to hear your plans for the conference!!! Can't wait! Seriously! I can't!!!

    [Posting over the weekend on AWARENESS! ;) ]

  5. you did really well!


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