Saturday, December 28, 2013

Organising my holiday list

when I run out of vases, I use bowls!
I thought I'd share something I do to make my weekends and holidays most enjoyable for me.

I like to have 3 things present in order to most feel that a holiday or weekend was a success:

  1. relaxing time (by myself, with D, the kids, etc.)
  2. productive time (cooking, organising/ tweaking spaces, editing and sorting photos, tossing paper, decluttering, that sort of thing!)
  3. out time (errands, time with friends, going out to eat/ gym, etc. - this is the extrovert in me - I need some people interaction)
So as I said, I had 12 days total out of the office.

On Christmas Eve, I made a list (I'd show you a pic but it's not pretty - it's more than a page long...) of things I want to get done in those 12 days.

And then every day I pick a few things and just do those.

My days always have a combination of all three but it's really nice to know I'm being intentional about getting to those things I always mean to, but don't do (sorting out document folders on the computer, for instance).

From my instagram, you've seen I've sorted out almost everything in the house already (and we're just ending day 3 of our holiday). My bedroom is sorted - clothes, shoes, bags, scarves, etc. I've donated quite a bit - the bag is ready to go to church tomorrow. My desk drawers and craft drawers in the study are sorted (I do have two shelves I want to tackle tomorrow afternoon) as are the kids' clothes and toys.

BUT I realised that there are too many computer things on my list - lots of photo stuff, documents, downloads, paring down, deleting PDFs I don't need, etc.

I also need to delete this year's photos off my iphone but I can't seem to figure it out as it doesn't show folders when I connect it to the PC (and obviously I can't go click click click through 2000-odd photos).

this is what my dining room table looks like at the moment - I'm quite taken with that tree and the silver balls
This time I've upped the ante.

I now write a list of things I got done that day every night as I jump into bed . Because usually the start of the holiday is great and towards the end I can't remember a thing because of the holiday blur.

This way, I just look at my notebook and I feel accomplished :) Especially because half the things I get up to aren't on my original list!

Once I'm done with Dec pics (just finishing off Christmas ones - most of them are horrible), I have a folder with 482 from the last 3 days and then I can tackle those iphone photos.

Do you have a holiday list?


  1. Confirmed you are a nerd ;) ;)

    I know that feeling of the holiday being over and not remembering what happened so this is a good way to keep track.

    I do have folders when I connect my iPhone to the computer though not sure how it came to be. Helped a lot as I was able to clear out over 2000 pics from my phone in a few quick clicks yesterday

  2. Anonymous9:12 am

    I don't have a list. I have a general idea of places I'd like to visit when we NEED to get out a bit, but mostly it's about the relaxing for me. I like to see friends and family too, but I won't kill myself or spend the whole time rushing from place to place to do so.

  3. I have a mental list...I should write it down, I know! ;)

    Basically I need to finalize house stuff. I still have about 10 boxes (all china / crystal) that need to be unpacked, and we need to hang pictures in the house. I so wish I could send the girlies somewhere for the day. Neither of those is going to be fun with them here.

    I got all the Christmas stuff packed away last night (except the tree, and that's hubby's job), so I hope I can focus now on those other items.

    I love Christmas balls in vases and bowls, too!!!

  4. My holiday list has only fun stuff on it. Like what kinds of things we'll do with the kids etc. I try to do all the organising etc before the holidays so I can have more free-time to relax and read.Having said that, I've now made a list of a few things that need to be done by the end of this week. One of them includes cleaning the cupboard under the sink. It has all of Lance's junk in it. He's clearing it as I type this and is freaked out at the wild-life in there! LOL.
    Got the other slip from the PO today. Am hoping to fetch it tomorrow. Eek! Too excited!!


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