As a result, whiny kids at the zoo (well, one!).
To be fair, it really was quite unpleasant in that cold wind so I did what I do - I took pics of the things that were very pretty, like the absolutely gorgeous blue skies.
It seems like the colder it gets, the bluer those skies are.
As always, I feel SOOOO sorry both for people who are homeless and for those who can't afford proper heating and warm clothes.
But the good news is.....
I got 94% for my August goals.
Guys, I'm living proof that goal-setting works... even if only on the subconscious level.
I wrote that list, printed it and put it in my flipfile on the 5th Aug.
Sadly, only looked at it once and then didn't look at it again until tonight.
To be honest, I thought I was going to have 20% but as I went through the list with my trusty (yellow) highlighter, I got more and more excited.
94% - WOOHOO! And I didn't even count the extra 8 photo things I got done.
The best thing that happened this month aside from me turning 39 was me getting....10 photo projects done. By photo project I mean 1) 2012 photos Kendra, 2) 2012 photos Connor, etc. Have a few frames still to fill and 4 albums' Aug 2013 pics to complete and then will be totally up to date.
And we all know the worst thing that happened which we shall not name anymore since we've moved on :)
But enough of me, how was your August?
PS I have no age issues. The alternative to celebrating additional years is much worse!