Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Listening, Cringing, Wearing - what's going on in your life?


I'm trying a new thing where I'll be writing about my books on OrganisingQueen, mainly because of how I mostly talk about books on that Instagram.

So, here's what I read in October, with my top fiction and non-fiction reads.

Loving: seeing the beautiful purple carpets of jacaranda flowers in Joburg.
Pondering: on how my life seems to be getting smaller and how I'm not okay with that, but not sure how to change it.
Listening: to podcasts, audio books and my kids bickering
Considering: how to change up my freebie for next year. If you don't have the Time Management Purpose Pack yet, get it now. Also, any ideas welcome.
Buying: new specs for a child whose specs were stolen at school
Watching: the view through my window at work

Hoping: the kids adjust to the mini-cricket quickly. There is no problem waking up early but they get super grumpy and tired in the afternoons. Like suicide hour, but early!
Marvelling: at how quickly I online ordered something and
Cringing: at how that thing was exactly what I did not expect (I asked for a refund and that's been processed
Needing: a break. I'm feeling quite short-tempered with some clients which is my "sign"
Smelling: my new Nivea oil-based vanilla body lotion (it is DIVINE)
Wearing: lots of ballerina pumps and flip flops.

I thought that might be a fun way to catch up quickly with what's going on in my life.

Please do on your blog, if you're still blogging, or tell me a bit about what's going on with you in the comments.


  1. Oh man the kids look so sad in that photo. I am excited for Christmas around the corner, hoping that the rest of the year is drama-free, listening to lots of old music and podcasts, cringing at my finances, marvelling at the progress Kaylan is making, buying lots of presents (November has lots of birthdays) and also needing a break!!!

    1. Ah, thank you for sharing.

      The kids were super grumpy after their early morning cricket start :)

      PS I think I'm going to crack and buy some Christmas mince pies this weekend!

  2. How I loathe mini-cricket and soccer and swimming galas and concerts. All at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning.
    HB loves the stuff so I go prepared: Huge coffee/ hot choc for me(and hubby if he is not working). Picnic blanket, water and snacks.
    We go to the library after and I insist on quiet time for at least two hours mid afternoon.
    It has worked all year for us. We have something on every Saturday morning and I am waiting for the 25th, it is the last activity for the year.

    1. We tried your trick this weekend and MADE the kids have quiet time (1 hour) after lunch - worked a treat. One even had a 20-minute nap. Thank you for the suggestion.

  3. Oh meh on the spectacles... how annoying for everyone. I am just surfacing from the busiest craziest hardest three weeks of the year and chillaxing and catching up on reading blog posts on a Friday night!!! Would love a morning to sleep late, any morning... but my body clock has rearranged and now sleeping late is about 6:30... I think I need a lazy day. But oh my... so much just regular stuff to do!!!

  4. Who steals someone’s glasses .. to do exactly what!!!

    Crazy busy so sad to be missing glorious sunsets and the sun is up way too early these days so hardly get to see that too

    1. My point exactly! I got her another pair last week and I've insisted she take and bring back to school every day.


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