Friday, January 12, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 8 - work to do on my business

Thursday Thirteen #7 Business stuff I need to do

1. Figure out Bloglines so I don't spend so much time looking through my favourites seeing which blogs are updated

2. Get professional headshots done

3. Start submitting all my articles to article directories

4. RSS feeder – what the *&^* is this anyway?!

5. Update my customer list – remember the computer problems I had? Well, the virus wiped out my customer file and the last time I did a total back-up was 1 March last year!

6. Email all my clients and offer them my new goals programme

7. SEO – rewrite a lot of my site and put in major keywords

8. Google adsense – another thing I need to sort out on my blog

9. Write a "why I am perfect to speak at your organisation" marketing brochure and load the pdf to my site

10. Contact the radio station that interviewed me last year to see if they'll consider a weekly "ask the organiser" segment.

11. Go through all posts on my three business blogs and make tags/ labels on all posts to make searching easy. Now that I've converted to Beta Blogger.

12. Investigate hiring a virtual assistant (web person) or maybe swop coaching for web services with someone to do the fancy stuff I want to do on my site

13. Check for results of my latest survey

Oh my word, now I feel excited but a bit overwhelmed too!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:16 pm

    you have a lot to get done:) good 13:)


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