These pictures were taken last week when I got back from Preggi Bellies. 25 weeks, 1 day.
I know you think I'm knee-deep in denial (I probably am) but I still don't feel as big as I am. I mean, this is GIGANTIC. I still do a double-take when I walk past a mirror or window.
On the bright side, I'm carrying enough baby to equal someone else's 33-week singleton pregnancy.
I don't mind being big because they're my beloved babies but I am scared of
looking like this.
Anyway, back to what I actually want to talk about...
We've known that my goal is to get to 36 weeks but I wanted to know from the doctor about when to stop work, etc, etc.
This was all before the bed rest episode this week.
He said he’d recommend I stop work at 32 weeks which is 4 weeks before the babies come…or at least work from home and not go in for meetings or anything like that.
This is because I'll have over 4kg of baby and could go into premature labour if I'm too active.
My job is not really active but I do have lots of meetings and since the building is huge, that's a lot of walking. Even going to the toilet (bathroom/ loo :)) is a walk from one end of the building to the other.
In South Africa, we get 30 days' sick leave for every 3 years worked. And you can't accumulate it. If you haven't used up your sick leave and you start a new 3-year cycle, the old leave all falls away.
I had 11 days' sick leave before these
4 days of bed rest (but I will only put in for 4 half days since I've been working a bit from home - thank God for technology). The remaining 9 days has to last me until April 2011! It's because I had those two laparotomies with 4 weeks' sick leave each time. Good thing I only took 3 weeks to recover from the last op!
So basically using up the sick leave is not an option...
Now the maternity leave - in South Africa everyone is entitled to 4 months' leave BUT your company does not have to pay you while you're on maternity leave.
My company pays 100% of salary which is great and usually what people do is they add on any annual leave they've accumulated to increase those 4 months to 5.
Of course I don't think about the future - if I need a holiday, I take my leave.
Hence Ireland :)
All that to say this...
I spoke to my boss and he is totally fine with me working from home from 32 weeks (we'll see if I actually make it to 32 weeks because this week has thrown things out in my mind...) and then when I want to go on "actual maternity leave", I just phone in and he will activate it. Very nice.
I've done some planning and I'm thinking to start my leave the last week of July and then my maternity leave ends about 2 days before the end of November.
If I then add up all my accumulated annual leave, I should be able to almost make it to the end of December. I may take the last 3 days as unpaid leave so that I start in January, or else I'll just go back then.
It will be dead quiet anyway (I'm in financial services) which is always a good time to catch up on things and start getting used to leaving the babies in the mornings.
Now afterwards (from January), I haven't quite decided if I'm going to go back full-time or only work a half day.
We can do it because my coaching business will be able to supplement my half-day salary...but I'm still not sure. I like lots of cushioning, finance-wise, and am just not sure if this is the best way to go.
Because obviously our monthly expenses will go up with the full-time nanny, all the disposable nappies (diapers), formula (if there's a problem breastfeeding), doctor's bills, etc.
So what do you think I should do?
If you're pregnant, what do you intend to do? How much time will you take off and from when?
And if you're not pregnant YET, have you thought about what you'll do when you do fall pregnant and have your baby/ies?