Monday, October 07, 2013

So, M, are you happier now?

I feel like talking just a bit about this being happier thing.

You see, when people know about the job thing and some time has passed, I get the question, "are you happier now" a lot.

A lot!

Also since I finished the project in the CBD and am back at the mothership, I also get the question a lot.

I explained it like this to D the other night.

Of COURSE I'm happier.

The building is gorgeous (y'all are probably tired of me going on and on about it), I have connectivity (wifi!), quick emails, clean bathrooms and kitchen and most importantly, my people are all around if I need to chat to someone about something.


And this is a big but.

I was at a 1 or 2 out of 10 before (because I still had a semblance of an attitude to keep positive daily and look for any good thing) and now I'm at a 3 - 4.

So yes, I'm happier, but the "new happy" is still nothing to write home about.

And it certainly is not enough or even acceptable for someone used to playing at around 7 - 8, and higher.

So that's where I'm at.

Happier but still not Happy!

Does this make sense?

I have such a lot of work to do, already, and the new project has barely started, so trying hard not to get overwhelmed.

But enough of me, how are you? Where on the happy scale are you?

PS if you're praying, don't stop. I really feel the covering and I think know that's what is getting me through.


  1. I totally get it! I will keep praying. I am happy, but it is a very stressful week and it is eating away at my happiness. Although I know when I see this revue tomorrow night I am going to love it. It is getting roaring reviews

  2. Am glad to hear that you are 'happier'.

    Patience skat. Remember God's plan for all of us. He knows what he is doing.

    Me, i'm happy. Content. That's good right?

  3. I am actually pretty happy - possibly an 8/9 :)

    I suppose the fact that you are getting happier is actually a positive :)) It can ONLY get better my friend xx

  4. Such a strong question to ask...are we truly ever "extremely" happy or are we just content with what we have in life and carry on?

    Well there's my brain fart for the day ;-)

    Today I am happy, we are moving in a direction with a certain part of our life :)

  5. La felicità,scriveva San Tommaso,è un bene perfetto di natura spirituale. E su questo non possiamo che essere d'accordo. Ma quanto è difficile oggi essere sereni dentro.Figuriamoci felici!

    Posso dire di essere contenta quando vedo i miei cari soddisfatti. Oppure quando i miei alunni raggiungono un traguardo.

    La loro felicità,diventa la mia felicità!

    Happiness, wrote St. Thomas, is a perfect good of a spiritual nature. And on this we can not but agree. But how difficult it is today to be serene dentro.Figuriamoci happy!

    I can say to be happy when I see my loved ones happy. Or when my students reach a goal.

    Their happiness becomes my happiness!

  6. I don't usually give myself an overall happiness rating. I'd rather rate the day had than myself, for instance - up until about 17:30 yesterday i was having a 2 kind of day, but then a friend popped in for dinner and a catch up and my day rocketed up to about a 7. Today I'm cruising along at about 6, but who knows what will happen tonight. ;-)

  7. Gosh. Happiness is really hard for me and I need to FOCUS, otherwise I'll go into misery mode. Lots of pep talks in these parts. Exercise helps too. And focusing on the blessings. It doesn't solve the problem 100% but it does make it a little bit easier to manage.
    I hear what you are saying. And yes, one can be happier but still deeply unhappy. I am definitely not content. I'm in a comfort zone and I'm blocking things out - things that need to be dealt with. Today was a 6. Because I organised a gift for someone. I just KNOW that they will love it. Can you tell that I look for it in the little things?

  8. You know me. I choose happy and then I do it. I am rested and content about an 8.


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