Sunday, May 02, 2010

What's your splurge?

What item do you splurge on? Why this item?

This is the question of the week at Multiples and More.

I'm not a shoe gal, not a perfume gal, not that much of a clothes gal, so I guess I'm really not much of a splurger but...

I do love handbags!

They're the only things I justify getting by saying silly things like "but I don't have it in that exact shade of red" LOL

If you're not a handbag person, you just won't get it.

Remember a handbag ALWAYS looks good no matter what your size ;)

And it can jazz up the most boring business outfit.

Although I never buy expensive bags because I like to change them so often.

This green one is my most expensive bag - I paid R900 about 3 or 4 years ago (about $120) and it's genuine leather which is why it's so expensive. The red one above at R400 ($53) is my second most expensive.

See? Not that bad.

So what's your splurge? And are you a handbag person?


  1. I've definitely spent more than that on a purse so not bad. My splurge are little treats - eating out at restaurants or paying for afternoon coffee (instead of free coffee).

  2. My splurge is my pampering... I spend money every month on gel nails, on pedicures, on getting my hair cut and coloured and also on the occassional facial and I also love to visit Mangwanani day spa at least twice a year with my girl friends. So ja, I'm definitley into pamepering myself.

  3. Cute bags! I love those green colors. :)

  4. Handbags and shoes for me (I love the smell of leather!!) oh and glasses - I have about 10 pairs :)

    Recently my other splurge has been D. She has a ridiculously large wardrobe. Ooops.

    Love your green bag :)

  5. Cute bags! I love shoes, but I don't know if I would call it a "splurge", since most of them are fairly inexpensive. I tend to carry the same purse for months at a time because I'm too lazy to change!

    Like Mommy, Esq., are little things- an afternoon slushie or dessert, a book I've been wanting, etc. I definitely count eating out, which we do a lot of in my family-always have, probably always will.

  6. Oh I am much worse than you on handbags - I love them. And I just splurged on a Mielie one.

  7. Oh, I totally forgot to add, I think I have about 20. I really need to count them sometime but I'm scared to face my excess :)

  8. Most certainly, photography is my splurge. I can't even type up how much everything costs because I think people would be shocked. Let's just say my current camera body, fave lens, flash, batteries, camera bag, would total over $3000.

  9. SHOES, especially boots is my guilty pleasure. I have over 50 pairs of shoes and at least 10 pairs of boots.

  10. I just bought a new purse, too --- first new one I've bought myself in like .... 6 years!


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