Friday, July 30, 2010

Despite having 33% body fat, yesterday was a surprisingly good day

I finally listened to that Satisfaction Finder audio and OH, it is good! So good I had to rewind about 3 times to re-listen to bits of it. (I listen to audios while driving)

Jen Louden is a gifted coach and I love hearing other people coach and then hearing the coachee (is this even a word?) have their aha's. Gives me thrills :)

Anyway, more on this next week when I've done processing it all but a quick revelation:

I've started thinking so much because I'm in coaching mode so I'm trying to do for me what I do for my clients.

it's not exactly bad but I can't be the best coach for me that I can be for others (objectivity and all that) so I'm about 95% decided to hire a life coach. I'm going with the flow (difficult for me) and accepting this is a new stage in my life and I'd like some support.

Already have a business coach but may transition to a speaking coach to focus specifically on the speaking side of my business. Let's see what Business Coach and I come up with next week - I can't wait!



Here's what I actually wanted to write about.

I had a fitness assessment yesterday with a biokineticist. I do these solely for the points (we get 7500 points and our goal is gold - what else? lol) which convert to HUGE discounts on holidays, hotels, etc. (all stuff we love).

A nice side benefit is you get your health checked out.

I did my first one in 2003 and the aim is two a year. Some years I manage them, some not. Last year I squeezed one in right at the end of my maternity leave (for the points, BABY!).

Unsurprisingly, my fitness sucks big time (poor! it's only ever been that bad the first year I had one done) BUT I rock on all the other aspects - excellent on the push-ups and flexibility, blood pressure, non-smoking and non-drinking.

And I got "good" for ab crunches and nutrition.

Strangely "acceptable" on weight but really it's not!

I had the sweetest guy in his 20's who definitely had the gift of encouragement because he told me I had high body fat in such a nice way I didn't even feel bad :)

I discussed with my boss this morning in our catch-up (we talk about rubbish all the time) and his body fat % is 18. I didn't give my shockingly high number - too embarrassed.

This weight thing is out of hand. I "only" have 4 kgs to lose and I'm 95% there on just biting the bullet and hiring a personal trainer for 3 months to get my butt in gear.

I really hate spending money on stuff I could do anyway (hey, is this how people feel about coaching? I often use the "personal trainer for your life" analogy to explain what I do) but the fact is, I'm not doing it and I need some accountability.

Then again, if I get a good bonus, I will have no excuse!

Do you exercise? What works for you?

P.S. I'm going to do 30 ab crunches a day for the month of August - when it starts feeling easy, I'll increase by 10 at a time. Wish me well...


  1. You know that I still have 10 pounds to go before I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I cycle and do yoga (looooove yoga). They both give me something different and I love them both. First, find something that you love. Second, do a mix of activities. Third, realize what is realistic. Fourth (this comes from my OB), get involved in something will give you a goal on which to focus.

    Wish I could say that these things have been working for me, but I've been battling these last 10 for a year now...consistently working out...except when life/kids/sickness takes over. Then I lose my workout time.

  2. Yes, I work out 5-6 days a week, mostly running. I run about 20 miles a week. But I'm still higher on the weight/body fat side because we've had so many houseguests which involves a lot of eating.

    Now that everyone is gone, I am using the iphone app Lose It! (also a web app) to track my food and exercise as I have about 10 lbs I need to lose. I've added in weight training for toning and am training to finish a half marathon in 2:00.

    It took awhile after the boys were born to get back to pre-pregnancy fitness. I wrote a post about it on HDYDI (of course I did!):

  3. I work out 4-6 days a week, in the house. I work out after the girls are asleep on weekdays, with them on weekends. Apart from the 1.2 miles I walk between my car and work (which I don't consider a legitimate part of my workout), I rely heavily on cardio/toning/circuit training DVDs.

    My favourite series are The Firm (great toning!) and Crunch (fun cardio). In a pinch, I do an 11 minute Pilates core workout ( I could do it in my office during lunch if I was really pressed for time!

    I'm not focused on weight loss so much as an increase in lean muscle mass, although it comes out to the same thing.

    I use to track my food intake, and have learned that I eat too much fat, too few calories, too little protein, and a healthy amount of salt. Therefore, I've added a snack of lentils, fat-free greek yogurt, or fat-free cottage cheese to my daily diet.

    I've gone down 2 sizes, with 3 lbs weight loss.

  4. When the babies were younger and napped more (up until they were about 9 months old), I did a hard-core step aerobics workout DVD about 5 days a week. I loved getting completely absorbed in it, sweating it out, and then going to take a relaxing shower...all during naptime. These days, I mostly walk with the babies using our jogging stroller. I can get a really good work-out in under an hour and clock 3 to 4 miles. When I can sneak out by myself, on the weekends, I like to jog.

    I don't always look forward to getting out, but I almost always feel better when I do.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. We need to keep each other in line! These last few pounds are killing me! DH and I always give in. Right now I'm munching fresh baked cookies!


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