Saturday, August 09, 2014

One piece of advice to your 18-year-old self

I had big plans to blog properly but I got caught up in the Humans of New York blog.

This one.... and this one   and this one.

A common question is what advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?

Here's one dude's answer. I like it!


Go get a Myers-Briggs assessment before deciding what to study.

Matter of fact, I give this advice to all the teenagers I know :)

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?


  1. Don't get married until you are at least 30!

  2. WOW! Your statement just made me realise the immense gift my father gave all 6 of his kids. When we all were about to start high school, he would sit us down one full afternoon for a series of personality type tests (he was trained to administer them in his days as HR manager) and advice us on what he thought our career choices should. We all went the right direction thanks to that.

    Thanks for reminding me of the import of his actions. I need to be ready to do the same for my girls

    1. Yetunde, that is SUPER AWESOME! How blessed you are!!!

      Were any of you kids surprised by the results? did it change intended courses of study?

    2. The way the Nigerian education system was structured then, you choose your subjects going into high school and your choices would eventually decide which courses you could apply to study in university.

      There were one or two surprises but so far no course of study regrets :)

  3. You know...this post had me thinking. I got married at the age of 18...and if I had my life over, I would do it all over again. I am truly happy xx

    1. Awwww, Lynette - that is SO awesome :) You and your Bokkie are an inspiration!

  4. I wouldn't just advise Myers-Briggs. Your Myers Briggs profile change as you mature. The other person who does great work is Kathy Kolbe and she has specific tests for youngsters on how their thinking works and which jobs suit that type of thinking. Other than that I would tell any 18- year old to stop worrying and have more fun!

  5. At 18 I was on my way to embark on what proved to be a correct choice because my mom went all out to make sure I made the right choice by doing as many assessments as possible. However sure I was of my abilities, in terms of my interaction with the opposite sex, I was terribly unsure and vulnerable. So my advice would be : You are beautiful and good enough for only the best man.

  6. Anonymous11:31 am

    Advice to my 18 year old self? Don't be so consumed with pleasing your Father. He will always be domineering and full of cr*p so focus on making yourself happy and have MORE fun!!


    1. Anonymous2:36 pm

      Sam, at 32 I still have to give myself this advice! My husband cannot understand why I crave my father's blessing / approval / advice for EVERYTHING!

  7. I LOVE that blog and I can spend hours reading it. Advice to my 18yr old self? Don't have kids. I know that this sounds terrible but seriously. Don't do it if you value your time and your sanity and if you want enough money to pay the bills already!

  8. To not take myself so seriously, take risks and become develop more of an interest in physical fitness when I was younger.

  9. You know what? Sometimes I wonder if the advice do help because do they really get this until they have learned enough life experience. What I mean by this is that if you gave me this advice when I was 18 years old, I would have heard you but not follow through as I would not have really understood why you wanted me to stand out rather than just blend in. Maybe I sound a bit negative but I only understand this now, now that I am "grown up" with more life experience :)

  10. I have the same thoughts as Marleen. At 18 most of us felt invincible and thought we could get away with anything.

  11. Anonymous10:53 am

    Advice to my 18 year old self. No, you do not have to learn from your own mistakes and experiences. Sometimes just use your head and AVOID AVOID AVOID certain experiences because your HEAD tells you it's wrong. YOLO is a bunch of NONSENSE, you do not have to experience everything first hand, learn from other's mistakes and make WISE choices!


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