Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How we celebrated our one-year anniversary with nanny V

Today we celebrate one year with V.

D wrote her a lovely thank-you card - all true - about how much we appreciate her and we wouldn't have been able to do it without her.

I had one of those professional pics printed, put it in a nice photo frame and wrapped it.

Today was her first day back after all the Home Affairs drama.

Well, you should have heard the squeal when she opened her gift.

She loved it.

Yesterday D's mum looked after the babies in the morning and D took another half day to look after them in the afternoon. She said she LOVED her time with the babie.

I worked since I have that filming thing on Thursday... which is stressing me out, by the way. I have to keep reminding myself that it's going to be awesome when it is over, and then again when it airs. It will be fabulous on my media page as I'm going to market it until kingdom come. There's no way you can buy this kind of credibility. And hopefully it leads to TONS of speaking engagements since I am now ready with my new website :)

We applied for our new passports today - no, we're not planning a trip per se. It's just that I believe you need to be ready when Flight Centre sends out those emails I can't seem to resist. When I'm emotionally weak, I just delete them without opening otherwise I'd be booking holidays to South America. There's just something about using a credit card that doesn't feel like real money...

Anyway, the passport place is close to where MIL works and lives so I scored some points by phoning her and inviting her to lunch with us.

At which point things went a bit sour as D decided to talk about the Christmas plans and we were told they are our kids so it's our job to run around after them (true) and we shouldn't be lazy. Which is when I jumped in and said, we are definitely not lazy.

D is very all or nothing so he's like "well, that's it - we just won't go to functions" so I had to calm him down and say we'll think about it. Oy, family!

We then raced off to see Eat Pray Love and ... it was disappointing but that's because I read the book. No book has ever lived up to the movie, except for hunky John Cusack in Runaway Jury. Feel free to disagree :)

I loved the part in the movie where she said to her friend that she had a box under her bed of clippings, brochures, etc. of places she wanted to travel. I can relate.

Are you always passport-ready? Last year when I was pregnant, we planned a trip to Ireland and a week later we were off. Love it!

I went to gym this evening (new class and very good workout - the guy was new so I was showing off again - will be very sore tomorrow) and did stirfry for supper so am feeling very virtuous.

And now I need to go finish book number 7 for November, a lovely Irish book :)


  1. I am so passport ready! Before kiddos, we planned a few 3/4-day weekend trips, relatively spur of the moment...just depending what kind of deals we could get on airfare. While I haven't unenrolled from any of the travel deal emails I get, I automatically delete them these days...no point in drooling over somewhere we can't go! :) Yet again I say that I don't want to wish away the girls' baby-hood, but I am so looking forward to packing four bags for a fun getaway.

  2. That is so sweet of you and D to mark V's one-year anniversary. The picture is a great idea!

    I WISH I was in a position to be passport-ready. I accidentally let mine expire earlier this year, though I plan on getting a new one soon, in case we go on a cruise next year. (J's family does one every year and we haven't been since our honeymoon four years ago.)

    My family have always been spur-of-the-moment travellers (though they are usually fairly short trips), but J has to have every detail planned weeks or months in advance. We don't always travel too well together...but when the girls get bigger, I totally plan on taking more trips again. Jeremy can come along or stay home, but I'm getting out into the world again! : )

  3. I am passport ready, but not sure if I am travel ready! Got my boy's passport when he was about two months, and shortly afterward booked a flight for us to Aus. It was great (and probably very brave of me to travel all that way alone with an infant). BUt I think SO much easier than when they become mobile - I just cannot imagine how hard it would have been had he been crawling already...

    But you have to keep those passports ready! (and be sure to have that unabridged birth certificates ready too - took 7 MONTHS to get his)


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