Sunday, November 14, 2010

Favourite movie?

I had to quickly participate in the question of the week at Multiples and More.

First, because I love Friends (go read the M&M post) and secondly, because I love, love, LOVE my favourite movie :)

I'm not all fancy-fancy with movies - my needs are very simple - it needs to have a positive outcome and make me laugh. If there's food in it and a beautiful house, even better.

So, without further ado, here is my favourite movie ever...

My Best Friend's Wedding!

I have it on DVD and if I'm ever in a REAL funk, I go straight to my favourite part, play it, LAUGH like crazy and most things are right with the world again.

It makes me laugh, I get her desperation and craziness and I love, love, LOVE the bit at the end. Makes me cry/ laugh every time :)

What is your favourite movie?
And why?

P.S. This is not my actual post for today - I will post about the weekend tonight :)


  1. I LOVE Friends, too! I have several seasons on DVD, but the best for me is running across a rerun on makes my afternoon! (Of course I guess I'm referring to pre-baby days, as I very rarely watch TV these days, much less channel-surf. :) )

    I'm not a big movie person, so I would really have to think about my favorite movie. I'll add My Best Friend's Wedding to my list, though...maybe one day. :)

  2. Love that always gets me going when they're signing "Say A Little Prayer For You" in the restaurant!!!

  3. Oh this is tough. I'm going to do top 3.
    1. The sound of music.
    2. Paper moon
    3. Lady Jane

    I'm not much of a happy-ending type movie girl.
    I like serious, dark dramas mostly. Indie foreign films and depressing documentries.

  4. LOL Pufferfish, you are like D! He is the same - most of the stuff he sees I wouldn't even THINK of going to see :)

    MandyE, go get it :)

    Rebecca, my favourite part is where the Cameron Diaz character meets Julia Roberts's friend - oh, i love it!

  5. I have been watching Friends a lot lately, after not seeing it much for a few years...and it's still as funny as ever!

    One of my favorite feel-good movies is "Love Actually", especially around the holidays. Right now, I am also loving "The Proposal". I watch it on Netflix all the time, and I laugh through the entire thing!

  6. I'm weird ... Ok? Nor do I get to watch much anymore.

    Favorites include

    Lord of the Rings
    all the Star Trek movies
    Chronicles of Narnia (old versions and new ones)
    A Christmas Carol (Dickens)
    The Pirates of the Caribbean series

    and along those lines.

    Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure ... and History ... BUT I really dislike any form or horror or gore.

    I'm not one for sappy stories or tear jerkers. LOL



    you may be amused to hear that LaRue woke up yesterday SOAKED (in a Huggies) ... our bed was swimming! Last night she wore a Luvs and the puddle was much smaller, but still, she soaked the diaper through and through. She is a back sleeper, so I wonder if it ran up her back? and then puddled underneath her - both diapers were at maximum ... though the Luvs held a LOT more based on weight.

    So, are you still having diaper problems with Kendra?

    I told Tim to bring home the next size up tonight - 4.

    Also, I've posted LaRue's birthday party on our blog. I can't believe she's 14 months old today.


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