Wednesday, January 21, 2015

My 2014 photography, in numbers

Thank you for your nice comments on Louisa's parenting tips. I'm going to do one every week for about a month.


Ta da da dum.....

Let's talk about photography, and particularly, my 2014 photography in numbers. 

1. My goal was 12 photowalks (as in a walk with the big camera, solely to take pics of whatever takes my fancy). I ended up with 53. 53!!! (plus the 10 - 12 where I only took the iphone)

I've set a big goal for this year - 52 photowalks. They don't have to be done with the big camera; as long as we take a walk and I take ONE nice pic (nice by my standards), I'll be happy.

We've had 3 so far so we are bang on track, and I haven't taken the big camera for a walk yet (because I hadn't finished 2014 pics and I feel like I'm just adding to the photo crazy otherwise). You can check out my instagram marcia0608 and look for #52walksin2015 to see the 3 pics.

2. Another goal (a standing one) is to have photos of me every month with the kids. I definitely have nice photos every month and much, much more than I expected because I'm now training the kids to take good photos too. And I outright bribe them "if I can take pics of you, then you can take pics of me with Kendra" and it works!

first day of school last year

My folder has 206 photos but there are photos of D with the kids in there too. I think I had 83 photos in 2013 so this is really good going.

If you don't have a photo project for 2015, may I strongly encourage you to get in photos with your kids monthly? (I'm looking at you, Se7en!) And I always say this but if you see me somewhere, tell me to take a photo of you and your kids. Always very happy to do that.

3. We also have 17 family photos of the four of us (besides the professional shoot - oops, I need to show you some of those), and only three of them are "feet shots" :)

Everybody (including me) thinks it's a huge pain in the behind to faff around taking photos BUT we all love seeing them afterwards.

photo by SIL after I adjusted the settings and told her where to stand :)

4. In other news, I've been asked TWICE to take photos of children's parties FOR MONEY. I consider this a huge honour but I'm not mad. I will stop enjoying it if I start feeling constrained. I declined and decided I don't want to be documenting parties....ever :)

Which might be a Good Thing because these are the types of photos I end up taking at parties when I'm really having fun.

rust and chipped paint are my love languages :)
5. I have 206 photos of my kids together (a major miracle) in 2014. This year I'm doing #the52project. I actually love this project and I'll tell you why - NO PERFECTIONISM. I gave myself nice firm boundaries so I don't think about this project daily; instead, I take 5 - 10 minutes on a Sunday afternoon and take some pics. If they're duds, they're duds. That is the snapshot at that moment and I'm going with it. I quickly look through for the one, post to Instagram and I'm done. I'm saving the original 10 X 15 in a special folder and that's it. So it's a quick 15-minute project and that is enough.

don't ask!

6. As far as documenting things, I did Project Life 2014 and am up to date, again, because perfectionism. I love the mini albums (nice boundaries) and I loved the COLOUR from my Kiwi mini album and the Sunshine and Honey 4 X 6 filler cards (I bought digital and printed the PDFs on cardboard).

I'm doing Project Life again - this time I bought Midnight and I have a black album, so it's all very sleek and elegant (unlike me!)

we call this the tribal council pic (Survivor!)

In 2014 (and I will continue this year), I printed 4 pics per kid per month, and 4 of them together.

We've now filled our baby albums, the 300-photo album (Pepperdew or something from CNA), and I had a moment where I said to D, do I really need to continue beyond 5? That was my intention, you see - birth to 5, and then doesn't the cuteness stop?

But the cuteness hasn't stopped and especially the type of photos I take of non-traditional portraits (hands, feet, sides of face, etc), so I'm continuing til I feel like I'm bored or they need only one pic in an album per month (HAHAHA - we can dream).

But I must tell you, my kids LOVE looking through their albums and talking about when this one was taken and this is Kendra: Mummy, look at Sweet Connor!! She is too much.

7. And last but not least, the real numbers.

I kept only 40.7% (not forgetting the 0.7!) of all the photos I took....
I starred 11.9% of them...
Total after editing = 11078
Which means, I took a total of..............

27027 photos on the big camera!


I have no words either :)

Julia came closest with 15 000 :)

So which numbers were the most interesting to you?
Do you have any photo goals for 2015?

I plan to do Superhero Photo again in about March/ April. Get ready if you plan to join me. We can blog our results weekly...


  1. Wow! That is a lot of photos!

  2. Ha ha ha at 40.7%. Though nothing shocking to me there because I take as many pictures and I don't even own a big camera!!! I should try and check my numbers I'm sure it would be huge but not as crazy as you. Wait I probably am...

    What I have found is when you let go of perfectionism you actually enjoy the process and get good pictures !!! I know not easy but... Even a blurry picture tells a story

    I always have a photo project

    Ps; my friends still oh and ah over the pictures from K's birthday

  3. I love the 52 project idea - if I will ever get my 3 together even for 15 minutes remain to be seen. Although I am behind on Project life I am doing it again (and catching up). I keep notes all the time.

    And no, the cuteness does not stop. Now at 10 it has been replaced by a very nice "neither fish nor flesh" look - took some beautiful almost sulky photos of A on her birthday that totally reflect where she is at right now.

  4. I also take many, many photos...and it is so very important to record and capture those little moments.

  5. I do want to do superhero but I am soooooo not blogging it!

    Your photos just get better and better. I must check how many I took! We're doing a family selfie every week. It's been painful and fairly frustrating up to now. I'm going to get a selfie stick!

  6. I will not count the photos... I will not count the photos... I will not count the photos!!! And yes, name and shame me - I have to get in the photgraphs with my kids - I can't even say more. I have to say at all. I realized the other day - that it is genetic, I was looking for a photo of my mum - and you know I photograph abundantly, and I couldn't find even one - I know I must have one but when. It is alarming and I have to get onto it. So I am thinking... it really is time that I have a one on one photograph with each of them, some of them are running out of child hood here... Oh I can hardly breathe thinking about it!!! Many years of being photophobic and I know it isn't enough for them to "know I was there for them" I actually have to show up in some pics. Maybe I can do a group shot with them all in front of me - I know you won't count that!!! But anyhow... I am thinking about it. And I love and adore your wheelbarrow photograph!!!

  7. Wowzers! Way to go! I always love your shots - you have an eye for this my friend. A totally amazing eye.

    I would like to take more pics with my big camera (which is always stuck in the cupboard cos my husband thinks it will get damaged if left out but this means we hardly ever use it which frustrates me no end)



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