Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Looking for beauty

Oops - we forgot about Saturday Snapshots.

I've wanted to do this one for the longest time so I'm going to do it anyway. But this weekend on the 13th.

Our theme is looking for beauty.

Something particularly important for me to realise at this time of year.

I was thinking about this concept as I started working through my goals review for this past year.

This has been one of those years that we want to put behind us as quickly as possible, right?

But through it all, it's important to remember that there's beauty everywhere.

I looked through some of my Instagrams and iphone pics that didn't make it to instagram last year when I worked in the CBD, and there are some AMAZING pics. Now you all know that was a horrible, horrible time in my life but maybe that's why God had to show me beautiful angles, light, snippets of beauty amidst all that drama.

And that's why I want to do this version of Saturday Snapshots.

So let's do it together.

Let's post 5 pics of things that nobody else would spare a second glance at but YOU saw something and captured it!

Those are the ones I want!

Who's in?


  1. I try to find at least one beautiful thing in an unexpected place...when I do it gives me such joy.


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